In a chilling and tragic incident that unfolded over a month and a half ago in the serene Adheigaon village of Odisha’s Ganjam district, a 25-year-old man named K Ganesh Patra stands accused of a horrifying crime—allegedly orchestrating the death of his 23-year-old wife, K Basanti Patra, and their innocent two-year-old daughter, Debasmita.
The accused and his wife were entangled in a marital dispute, adding a grim backdrop to their union, forged in 2020. The culmination of this discord took a horrifying turn when Ganesh Patra, reportedly under the guise of religious intentions, procured a venomous snake from a snake charmer.
On the fateful night of October 6, Patra introduced a cobra, concealed in a plastic jar, into the room where his unsuspecting wife and daughter lay asleep. The following morning unveiled a gruesome scene—both victims lifeless, succumbing to snake bites, while the accused, in a chilling act, slept undisturbed in another room.
Initially treated as an unnatural death case, the turning point came when the father-in-law filed an FIR, accusing Ganesh Patra of murder. Superintendent of Police Jagmohan Meena revealed that the accused was apprehended a month after the incident due to a delay in evidence collection.
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During interrogation, Patra initially refuted the grave allegations, suggesting that the snake might have entered the room independently. However, as the investigation unfolded, he eventually confessed to the heinous crime. The police are actively engaged in further unraveling the details surrounding this tragic and deeply disturbing event.
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