Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, was called before the Enforcement Directorate on January 3 about the alcohol investigation. Kejriwal ignored the first two summonses, so this is the third one. On the day that his Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh was denied bail because the court determined that the case against him was legitimate and that the evidence provided demonstrated his involvement in the alleged money laundering, the third summons was served.
On November 2, Kejriwal received the first summons from the ED. Ignoring the summons, Kejriwal claimed he had work related to governance in Delhi before Diwali and that he was also supposed to campaign for the party in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. On December 21, ED sent him a second summons requesting his presence. Kejriwal skipped the second summons and went to Vipassana the day before.
“The timing of your summons leaves much to desire and strengthens my belief that the summons being sent to me are not based upon any objective or rational yardstick but for extraneous considerations at the behest of political rivals who wish to silence the voice of opposition to the ruling dispensation at the Centre to create sensational news in the final few months leading up to the Parliamentary elections in early to mid-2024,” Kejriwal wrote in his letter to the ED.
“On the eve of my departure for the Vipassana meditation course which has been widely published and largely circulated all over the media in the country as well as officially announced, to my utter dismay and concern, I have received the subject summons,” Kejriwal said.
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“It looks like your summons is a roving, fishing expedition. High courts have ruled that the Enforcement Directorate’s summons are invalid and have quashed them in similar situations where people are not informed about the case specifics or the capacity in which they are being called upon,” the reply stated.
Kejriwal wrote, “As a law-abiding, conscientious, and ordinary citizen of the country, I have nothing to hide.” “My life is one of honour, dignity, and total transparency. As per my publicly disclosed schedule, starting on December 20, 2023, I will be attending the annual Vipassana meditation course that I have been attending for the past 25 years,” wrote Kejriwal.
Kejriwal postponed his Tuesday departure for Vipassana to attend the INDIA bloc meeting. At 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, he departed for Vipassana.
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