Kerala authorities took into custody four officials from the Karnataka Police, which includes an inspector after they were caught accepting bribes from a suspect involved in a cheating case. As per sources within the police, a team from Karnataka arrived in Kochi on August 1st to make arrests related to a cryptocurrency-linked cheating incident filed in Karnataka. The suspects, Nikhil and Akhil, were successfully located and detained. However, following the arrests, the police officers allegedly demanded and collected Rs 4 lakh from each suspect to secure their release. Subsequently, one of the accused’s fiancée reported the incident, leading the Kalamassery police in Kochi to detain the four officers on Wednesday night based on the complaint.
Chandaka Srikanth, a software developer based in Bengaluru, had filed a complaint at the Whitefield police station detailing alleged cyber fraud. Issac, one of the suspects, was interrogated by the Whitefield CEN police, who travelled to Madikeri for the investigation. During their inquiries, the police traced transactions amounting to Rs 2 crore from Isaac’s account, aiding in the identification of another suspect named Naushad from Kochi, Kerala.
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Inspector Shivaprakash of the CEN police, along with three colleagues, apprehended Naushad in Kochi and subsequently sought a bribe to remove their names from the case. While initially demanding Rs 10 lakh, they eventually settled on an amount of Rs 3.95 lakh. One suspect paid Rs 2.95 lakh, while the other handed over Rs 1 lakh. Upon the detention of the Karnataka officers by Kerala police, the entire sum of Rs 3.95 lakh was recovered from their vehicle.
The investigation into the incident remains ongoing, and a senior officer from the Karnataka Police has arrived in Kochi to oversee the case.
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