On Thursday, actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut was reportedly slapped by a female Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel at Chandigarh airport. According to the source, the incident occurred at the security check when the MP-elect from Mandi refused to put her phone in the tray and allegedly pushed the security personnel. Ranaut subsequently boarded a Vistara flight to Delhi at 3 PM.
This incident comes just days after Ranaut’s victory in the Lok Sabha elections from Mandi in Himachal Pradesh. The National Award-winning actor defeated Congress rival Vikramaditya Singh by a margin of 74,755 votes, as reported by the Election Commission. In her first Lok Sabha election, Ranaut received a total of 5,37,022 votes.
The Mandi Lok Sabha seat saw ten candidates competing for votes from an electorate of 13,77,173, with a turnout of 73.15 percent. Expressing her gratitude on social media, Ranaut wrote, “Heartfelt gratitude to all the people of Mandi for this love and trust… This victory belongs to all of you, this is the victory of your trust in Prime Minister Modi and BJP, this is the victory of Sanatan and in the honour of Mandi,” even before her victory was officially declared. She also captioned her post on X with “Mandi ki sansad.”
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Kangana Ranaut debuted in the film industry at the age of 17 with Anurag Basu’s 2006 film “Gangster.” She has since received critical acclaim for her performances in films such as ‘Queen’, ‘Tanu Weds Manu’, ‘Tanu Weds Manu Returns’, ‘Manikarnika’, ‘Fashion’, and ‘Panga’ among others. A vocal supporter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Ranaut has endorsed his government on various issues, including the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and the farmers’ protests. She was also invited to the grand consecration ceremony of the idol of Ram Lalla at Ayodhya’s Ram temple.
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