In the aftermath of the Lok Sabha elections in Uttar Pradesh, where the BJP fell short of expected seats with 40 out of 80, discussions have sparked widespread questioning of leadership. Speculations have swirled across political circles and social media, primarily focusing on Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s competence and political acumen.
Amidst this, a viral social media post alleges that certain MLAs are being influenced against CM Yogi. It suggests that this instigation originates from directives issued ‘from above’, purportedly by a former or current Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. The post claims a concerted effort to shift the blame for the election ‘defeat’ solely onto Yogi Adityanath, with influential figures leveraging national and regional media to their advantage.
However, the post also acknowledges that since 2019, Yogi Adityanath has maintained a strong national image, possibly inheriting the mantle from Narendra Modi in the future political landscape. Despite internal party and state politics, Yogi enjoys a unique acceptance as the BJP’s potential leader, a position coveted by others but not yet attained.
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Critically, the post questions the allocation of credit for electoral victories and losses, pointing out flaws in ticket distribution and the inclusion of controversial candidates. It hints at internal dynamics within the party, suggesting that those fomenting dissent against Yogi should consider the repercussions beyond Uttar Pradesh, impacting BJP’s prospects across other states.
In a final admonishment, the post warns against undermining Yogi’s leadership, asserting that without his formidable presence, BJP’s resurgence in 2027 could falter. It cautions against actions that could prematurely jeopardize political futures, emphasizing the need for unity within the party ranks.
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