The Lok Sabha’s proceedings took place for the first time in the new Parliament building. Prime Minister Modi, on Tuesday, called on the Members of Parliament to forget all past bitterness and start a new chapter. As soon as Lok Sabha’s proceedings began under the chairmanship of Om Birla in the new building, Modi delivered his first speech in the new Lok Sabha chamber. The Prime Minister said that the new Parliament building symbolizes the aspirations of 140 crore Indians. During this event, PM Modi appeared in a different style.
PM Modi also remembered the ‘shramik’ (workers) who were a part of the construction of the new Parliament building. He said, “The Parliament is not a place for the party’s development but for the nation’s development.”
Before the proceedings began in the new Parliament building, PM Modi said, “Today, we are leaving from here and going towards the new Parliament building. This is auspicious because today is Ganesh Chaturthi.”
It should be noted that the renowned British architects Sir Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker designed the historic old building, which was constructed in 1927. The old Parliament building was built 96 years ago.
Government sources have stated that the building will not be demolished, and it will be retrofitted for parliamentary events to accommodate more spaces. Some reports also suggest that a part of the old building might be transformed into a museum.
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