The “PM Vishwakarma” scheme was introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday to honor “Vishwakarma Jayanti” and aid traditional craftspeople. On the 77th Independence Day, Prime Minister Modi addressed the nation from the Red Fort’s ramparts, announcing that the government would soon introduce a program for people with traditional craftmanship skills. The Vishwakarma Scheme was introduced by Prime Minister Modi on his 73rd birthday. During the ‘PM Vishwakarma’ program launch at the India International Convention and Expo Centre in Dwarka, Modi unveiled 18 post tickets and the Toolkit Booklet.
During the launch of the Vishwakarma scheme, PM Modi said, “Under the PM Vishwakarma scheme, the government will provide up to ₹3 lakhs loan without any (bank) guarantee. It has also been ensured that the interest rate is also very low. Govt has decided that ₹1 lakh loan will be given in the beginning and when it is repaid, govt will provide additional ₹2 lakhs loan to the Vishwakarma partners”.
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The PM Modi then spoke with partners in the PM Vishwakarma program at the India International Convention and Expo Centre in Dwarka, Delhi.
At the IICC, PM Modi also spoke with the potters and other Vishwakarma partners. The recipients will also receive marketing assistance, a second tranche of 2 lakh, and an incentive for digital transactions at a reduced interest rate of 5%.
In the nation’s capital, the prime minister also visited with artisans and craftspeople who work in the footwear sector.
PM Modi interacted with many people working there and displaying the work at the inaugural event.
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