In a tragic incident that has sent shockwaves through the Railways colony in Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Arun Kumar, an eye specialist and medical officer with Railways, allegedly murdered his wife and two children before taking his own life. The doctor, who was reportedly battling depression, was found dead alongside his family in their residence. Colleagues discovered the gruesome scene after being unable to contact the family for two days.
Police investigations revealed a grim scenario, with a hammer, blood stains, and drug injections found at the crime scene. The doctor allegedly administered drugs to render his wife and children unconscious before delivering fatal blows to their heads. Initial attempts by the doctor to harm himself by slitting his wrists were unsuccessful, leading to his eventual suicide by hanging. The motive behind this horrifying act is yet to be fully understood.
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Rae Bareli SP Alok Priyadarshi stated, “This is what we have gathered so far. The post-mortem will reveal more,” highlighting the ongoing nature of the investigation. Neighbours, like Kamal Kumar Das, expressed shock and described Dr. Kumar as a kind individual, speculating that family problems may have contributed to the tragic event.
Lucknow Range IG Tarun Gauba acknowledged reports of the doctor’s bouts of aggression, stating, “We have heard he would often have angry exchanges with people. We are looking into all angles,” suggesting that personal conflicts may have played a role in the distressing incident. The community is grappling with the aftermath of this devastating event, as authorities work to uncover the full details surrounding the tragedy.
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