Arvinder Singh Lovely, who stepped down from his role as Delhi Congress chief in protest against the party’s alliance with the Aam Aadmi Party, has now joined the BJP. He clarified that his resignation was solely from his party position, not from the party itself. In his resignation letter, submitted last week, Lovely criticized the candidature of Kanhaiya Kumar from North East Delhi and Udit Raj from North West Delhi, stating they were not familiar faces within the Delhi Congress. He made it clear that his resignation was unrelated to ticket distribution, stating, “Some people are spreading misinformation that I was upset over ticket distribution. It is not like that. You all know that I introduced the candidates by holding a press conference three days ago.”
Expressing his discontent with the alliance, Lovely highlighted the Delhi Congress unit’s opposition to aligning with a party founded on false corruption charges against the Congress. He pointed out that several cabinet ministers from the party are currently in jail on corruption charges.
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Despite these concerns, the Congress decided to form an alliance with the AAP in Delhi. “We respected the party’s final decision,” Lovely stated. “I even went to the extent of visiting Mr. Arvind Kejriwal’s residence on the night of his arrest along with Mr Subash Chopra and Mr Sandeep Dikshit, despite the same being against my position on the matter.”
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