Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath urged the people of Prayagraj to showcase exceptional cleanliness and hospitality during Maha Kumbh 2025. Speaking at a press conference after a review meeting on Tuesday, he asked citizens to set a high standard for the world to witness. While extending New Year greetings, he assured that the government and the people would make the event a historic success.
Prayagraj Upgrades For Maha Kumbh Almost Finished
CM Yogi announced that Prayagraj’s transformation is nearing completion. Authorities upgraded over 200 roads, expanding many to six lanes. Workers have completed 13 out of 14 planned flyovers, with the last one in its final stages. The city’s beautification projects have improved its appearance significantly.
Officials have established holding areas at and near railway stations. They prepared 5,000 acres of parking spaces within 2 to 5 kilometers of the Sangam. Each parking area includes checkpoints, public address systems, and tight security.
Devotees Across World Anticipate Maha Kumbh
CM Yogi confirmed that the Maha Kumbh has drawn global attention. More than 7,000 organizations have committed to attending, and authorities have arranged 1.5 lakh tents. Workers have built 30 pontoon bridges, 28 of which are already complete, and prepared 12 kilometers of temporary ghats. A concrete ghat in Arail will be ready in days.
Authorities have also laid 530 kilometers of checkered plating and 450 kilometers of pipelines to provide clean drinking water. CM Yogi called the Maha Kumbh a once-in-144-years opportunity to showcase Prayagraj’s spiritual and cultural significance.
Floral Showers And No Protocol On Main Bathing Day
The first bath will take place on January 13 during Paush Purnima, followed by the second on January 14 for Makar Sankranti. Mauni Amavasya, the main bath on January 29, will draw 6-8 crore devotees. Additional baths will occur on February 3, 12, and 26.
CM Yogi declared that there will be no protocol on the main bathing day. Authorities will arrange floral showers to honor revered saints and welcome devotees warmly.