In a shocking incident in North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) faced a violent assault during its raids on the premises of Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Sahajahan Sheikh. The ED, conducting searches related to a Public Distribution System (PDS) scam, released a statement revealing that its team, accompanied by CRPF personnel, was confronted by a mob of 800-1000 individuals armed with weapons such as lathis, stones, and bricks.
The attack, described as an attempt to cause harm and hinder the investigative process, resulted in three ED officials sustaining serious injuries, leading to their hospitalization. The unruly mob not only assaulted the officials but also looted their personal and official belongings, including mobile phones, laptops, cash, wallets, etc. Additionally, several ED vehicles were damaged during the chaotic incident.
The ED team’s mission to search three premises linked to TMC’s North 24 Parganas Convenor, Sahajahan Sheikh, in connection with the PDS scam took a violent turn when local residents, believed to be followers of the TMC leader, confronted the officials. The ED officials faced challenges while attempting to enter Sheikh’s locked house, and their subsequent efforts to break the lock were met with resistance from a growing crowd.
Governor CV Ananda Bose has issued a stern warning to the TMC government, expressing his intent to explore constitutional options and take appropriate action in response to the violent incident. The assault on ED officials and the interference with the investigative process highlight the tense political atmosphere in West Bengal, adding a new layer of concern ahead of the upcoming events in the state.
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