Azamgarh: On Sunday, a police officer reported that a charge has been lodged against Dharmendra Yadav, the Samajwadi Party Lok Sabha candidate, in Azamgarh district for allegedly breaching the model code of conduct during elections. The incident occurred on March 22 in the Mehnagar assembly constituency, where Yadav’s convoy was found to exceed the permissible number of cars set by the Election Commission.
Shailendra Lal, the Superintendent of Police (city), clarified that under the Model Code of Conduct, a candidate’s convoy should not exceed ten cars as per Election Commission regulations. However, Yadav’s convoy comprised more than 42 cars, leading to the filing of a case against him at the Mehnagar police station.
Furthermore, despite the regulations, Yadav’s public meeting persisted until 5:20 PM, with party workers arriving at the venue in 20 unauthorized cars. Consequently, Yadav and three others are facing charges under Section 188 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) and 171G (false statement in connection with an election) of the Indian Penal Code, along with provisions of the People’s Representation Act.
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