The Delhi High Court has upheld the decision barring AAP Rajya Sabha member Sandeep Kumar Pathak from meeting Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in Tihar Jail. Justice Neena Bansal Krishna stated that Pathak can apply for a meeting, which the jail superintendent will review according to the law. The court dismissed Pathak’s plea for a directive to allow the meeting. Kejriwal is in judicial custody related to the alleged liquor policy scam. Pathak previously met Kejriwal in April. Jail officials argued that Pathak’s media statements during that meeting breached jail rules.
Jail officials asserted that Pathak’s access to Kejriwal was restricted due to violations of jail rules. They claimed that if there were bias against Pathak, he would not have been allowed to meet Kejriwal previously.
Justice Krishna emphasized that the statements made were political and violated prison rules. He noted that prison rules are in place to maintain order and prevent political disruptions. The court highlighted that prisoners must adhere to these rules to ensure a proper environment within the prison. The court affirmed that Pathak’s role in making political statements on behalf of Kejriwal was a breach of Rule 587 of the DPR, 2018. Justice Krishna concluded that the restrictions are essential to maintain prison discipline and manage prisoner conduct.
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