The Delhi High Court has recently accepted the appeal filed by the victim and issued a notice against Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA Abdul Rehman and his wife Asma Begum regarding a case dating back to 2009. The case revolves around allegations of threatening and attacking the principal of a government school. Initially, the Special MP/MLA Court had convicted Abdul Rehman and his wife, releasing them on probation. However, the victim principal challenged this decision in the Delhi High Court, prompting the issuance of a notice seeking a response.
This isn’t the first legal proceeding concerning Abdul Rehman and Asma. In 2019, the Rouse Avenue Court convicted them in a 14-year-old case related to an assault on Razia Begum, the principal of a government school in Jafrabad Zeenat Mahal. Despite the conviction, the court refrained from imposing any punishment, opting instead to issue a warning and release them on one year’s probation. Additionally, a fine of Rs 13,579 was imposed on the MLA and his wife.
Also read: Delhi High Court Rejects Plea For ‘Authoritative Interpretation’ Of PMLA Section 66
The incident dates back to February 4, 2009, when Asma and others allegedly forcibly entered Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya in Jafrabad, where Asma slapped Principal Razia Begum. The principal subsequently filed a complaint of assault against the MLA and his wife at the local police station.
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