The Delhi High Court has rejected a plea to allow Chhath Puja celebrations on the banks of the Yamuna River in Geeta Colony, citing severe pollution concerns. A bench led by Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela emphasized the health risks of taking a dip in the polluted river and stated, “We cannot allow it.” The court underscored that the Yamuna’s pollution cannot be resolved overnight.
The plea, filed by Purvanchal Nav Nirman Sansthan, argued that authorities could release fresh water from Hathnikund for the ritual. The petitioner claimed that the government had assured devotees they could celebrate Chhath Puja in Delhi rather than returning to their hometowns. The Delhi government’s lawyer, however, confirmed that the river remains “very polluted.”
The High Court expressed serious concerns about health impacts from the Yamuna’s pollution. “If you take a dip in it, it can have a bad effect on health,” the court stated. The petitioner’s lawyer suggested cleaning the ghat for future celebrations, but the court noted the extensive pollution from untreated sewage flowing into the Yamuna from 800 colonies.
Addressing the issue of polluted ghats, the court advised the petitioner to file a separate petition for cleaning the Yamuna for next year’s Chhath Puja. Additionally, the court acknowledged an ongoing petition from 241 slum dwellers in the Yamuna area, with political leaders resisting their displacement. Concluding, the court reiterated it could not issue an order for Chhath Puja at Yamuna banks under current conditions.
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