The Delhi government informed the High Court that it has notified a board of visitors to assess jail facilities. The update came during a hearing led by Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela regarding issues in Delhi’s jails. The court had previously set an October 15 deadline for the government to form the board.
The government counsel stated that on October 14, six boards were established according to the Delhi Prison Rules. These boards will monitor the quality of basic amenities in the jails, including health, hygiene, and security. They will also provide feedback to jail authorities.
The court addressed the issue of overcrowding and staff shortages. Jails designed to hold 100 inmates are housing 200. The bench ordered authorities to fill vacancies in medical and para-medical staff within 16 weeks. The government assured the court that these positions will be filled soon.
On October 1, the court warned that failure to notify the board would require the home secretary’s personal appearance. The board includes both official members, like judicial officers, and non-official visitors, such as social workers and mental health professionals.
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