Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday, urging him to conduct the last rites of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh at a location suitable for a memorial. Kharge’s letter followed a phone conversation with PM Modi, where he discussed the idea of creating a memorial for Dr. Singh, who passed away at 92 due to age-related health issues.
In the letter, Kharge emphasized Dr. Singh’s revered position in India and his significant contributions to the nation. He highlighted Dr. Singh’s achievements, particularly in economic and fiscal matters, citing his tenure as Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and Chief Economic Advisor.
Kharge noted that Dr. Singh was globally respected for his leadership, especially during the 2008 global financial crisis, where his guidance was pivotal in stabilizing India’s economy. He also recalled US President Obama’s praise of Dr. Singh, stating, “Whenever the Indian prime minister speaks, the whole world listens.”
Kharge urged that Dr. Singh’s last rites be held at a venue that would serve as the foundation for a memorial. He pointed out that such memorials for statesmen are traditionally built at the location of their funerals. Kharge concluded his letter by expressing hope that PM Modi would grant the request in recognition of Dr. Singh’s stature and contributions to India and the world.
In his closing remarks, Kharge paid tribute to Dr. Singh’s rise from humble beginnings, noting his resilience and determination. Dr. Singh’s life story, Kharge said, serves as a testament to the power of hard work and dedication.
Also Read: Gentle In Manner, Resolute In Convictions: Sonia Gandhi Pens Emotional Note For Dr. Manmohan Singh
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