On Thursday, Madhya Pradesh once again made history. One crore and twenty-five lakh lovely sisters of the state received a deposit of Rs 1000 to 1000 in their bank accounts. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan made a major statement and promised to make Rakshabandhan of sisters memorable during a state-level event held in Rewa. A big news story and a sizable gift can be offered to the sisters, perhaps a day before Raksha Bandhan.
The Chief Minister on Thursday transferred ₹ 1209 crore of the third installment to more than 1.25 crore sisters under the ‘Mukhyamantri Ladli Bahna Yojana’.
During the program, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan inaugurated and performed Bhumi Pujan of various development works worth more than ₹ 161.35 crore under Vikas Parv at the state-level ‘Ladli Bahna Sammelan’ organized in Rewa. The Chief Minister gave various gifts to the residents of the district.
In order to empower women in Madhya Pradesh, a number of measures have been taken, according to Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. Ladli Behan Yojana offers a monthly gift of $1,000.
The Ladli Laxmi Yojana was established to empower daughters. The education of female pupils is provided without charge. In the local body elections, half the seats are being contested by sisters. They are becoming more powerful. Their standing in society is rising.
Before Rakhi, on August 27, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan promised to speak with his dear sisters on television. The Chief Minister promised to offer you one additional gift at this time. But what exactly would that present be? None of this was disclosed by the chief minister.
Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the chief minister, visited Rewa in public while he was there. The Jandarshan Mega Roadshow from College Chauraha to Shilpi Plaza was attended with a lot of energy. CM Chouhan showered the crowd gathered at the hospital crossroads with flowers during public darshan.
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