Chai Pe Charcha, a program in support of BJP’s Lok Sabha candidate and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, is set to take place on May 16 in Lucknow. Organized under the banner of Rising Lucknow, the event will feature BJP leader Neeraj Singh and BJP MLA Dr. Rajeshwar Singh as guest speakers. Scheduled for 7 pm at Shalimar Gallant, Vigyanpuri, Mahanagar, Lucknow, the program aims to bolster the BJP’s campaign with the slogan of ‘400 crosses’ in the Lok Sabha elections.
Rajnath Singh, MP from Lucknow and BJP’s candidate for the third consecutive term, recently addressed an intellectual conference where he made significant statements. He emphasized that ‘Ram Rajya’ does not denote a theocratic state but rather signifies instilling a sense of responsibility and duty among the populace.
Highlighting the importance of Ram in the nation’s ethos, Singh reiterated BJP’s commitment to building a grand Ram temple in Ayodhya, a promise fulfilled during their tenure. He expressed his belief that this signifies the commencement of ‘Ram Rajya’ in India, where the spirit of duty prevails among the citizens.
Rajeshwar Singh clarified, “When I speak of Ram Rajya, it’s not about a theocratic state. It’s about fostering a sense of responsibility and duty among the people. Without this sense of duty, mere emphasis on rights cannot lead to the realization of Ram Rajya.”
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