The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested three public servants, including Om Prakash Bisht, Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Customs, Superintendent Amit Kumar, and an official from the Inland Container Depot (ICD) Tughlakabad. They also arrested two private individuals: Customs House Agent (CHA) Ashok Yadav and an employee of a Delhi-based firm. The arrests follow allegations of bribery to favor a Mumbai-based company.
On September 6, 2024, the CBI charged the officials with demanding and accepting bribes. They allegedly accepted illegal payments to reduce penalties on import and export consignments. On September 9, the CHA asked the DC to impose a minimum penalty of ₹70,000 on the Mumbai firm’s bills and offered a bribe in return. The CHA had already delivered ₹50,000 to the Superintendent.
CBI agents set a trap and caught the DC, ICD official, and CHA exchanging ₹72,000 in bribes. The arrested individuals appeared before the Special Judge at Rouse Avenue Court in New Delhi and were remanded to police custody until September 14. CBI also conducted searches at nine locations across Delhi, Mumbai, Faridabad, Gurugram, Raigarh, and Kinnaur, recovering incriminating documents and approximately ₹19.25 lakh in cash.
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