The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) unveiled a series of poll promises on Friday as part of its manifesto for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. Party President JP Nadda pledged Rs 2,500 monthly financial assistance for women, a Rs 500 subsidy on LPG cylinders, and medical insurance of up to Rs 10 lakh for every resident.
Highlighting the party’s focus on women and youth empowerment, Nadda announced a pregnancy nutrition kit worth Rs 21,000 for every pregnant woman in Delhi. “This initiative is aimed at supporting the health and well-being of women during pregnancy,” he stated.
In a significant move, Nadda also promised to implement the Ayushman Bharat scheme in full, increasing the medical insurance limit from Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh. “The new government will add Rs 5 lakh to the existing Rs 5 lakh coverage under Ayushman Bharat, making a total of Rs 10 lakh for each resident,” he explained.
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Another key promise was the introduction of Atal canteens across the city, which will provide meals to the poor and marginalized at just Rs 5. Nadda took a dig at the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) for its unfulfilled 2015 pledge of setting up Anna canteens, asserting, “In 2015, AAP promised Anna canteens, but it never materialized. The BJP, however, delivers on its promises.”
During the launch of the BJP’s ‘Sankalp Patra’ on the final day of filing nominations, Nadda also praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for ushering in a new political culture in India. He explained, “Manifestos have evolved into ‘Sankalp’ (commitment), with political parties now focusing on development goals instead of trivial issues.” He emphasized that under PM Modi’s leadership, voters now hold political parties accountable and demand the fulfillment of promises.
Nadda further revealed that the party’s Sankalp Patra would be released in multiple phases in the coming days, with a particular focus on women and slum-dwellers. As Delhi heads into this high-stakes election, the BJP’s manifesto has set the stage for a fiercely contested poll battle.
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