As the 7th phase of the Lok Sabha elections approaches, Bharat Express is actively engaging with the public through its flagship show ‘Satta Ka Sangharsh,’ broadcasting from Sherpur in Ghazipur district. Known for delivering election news with truth, courage, and dedication, Bharat Express has brought its election chariot to Sherpur, one of the largest villages in both the district and Asia. The channel’s Chairman, CMD, and Editor-in-Chief, Upendra Rai, hails from this village.
Sherpur, located in the Mohammadabad tehsil of Uttar Pradesh’s Ghazipur district, is renowned for its size and historical significance. Situated on the banks of the Ganges River, north of Gahmar village (now a town), it is about 35 kilometers from the district headquarters. According to the 2011 census, Sherpur’s population was around 31,322, though this number has since increased. The village spans 4913.64 hectares, with a land area of 5197 hectares. Sherpur played a significant role in India’s freedom struggle, with many local freedom fighters actively opposing British rule.
During the show, Samajwadi Party leader Rakesh Rai emphasized the dangers of religion infiltrating politics, stating that it leads to disaster and urging the public to keep religion separate from politics.
BJP leader Shashank Shekhar, while praising Bharat Express Chairman Upendra Rai, also lauded PM Modi for rapidly completing various projects. Addressing unemployment, Shekhar criticized previous government schemes for being limited to a few individuals. He highlighted the government’s efforts to support farmers, including the Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme, which provides 6,000 rupees annually to farmers.
A significant number of local residents participated in the show, voicing their opinions on various government claims, particularly concerning farmers’ issues. BJP leader Shashank Shekhar asserted that the government provides 18 hours of electricity daily to farmers, though opinions on electricity provision varied among the audience.
Bharat Express continues to bring comprehensive election coverage to the people, ensuring diverse voices and perspectives are heard in the run-up to the final phase of voting.
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