Bharat Express

Badhta Bihar Conclave Live: “Bihar Is Not Changing As Fast As Nitish Kumar Is changing,” says Former Congress State President Anil Sharma

Conclave has Commenced at 3 pm, Extending Discussion on Key Bihar Issues Until 8 pm.

Badhta Bihar Conclave Live: The conclave will Reflect upon Bihar’s Rich History and Current Challenges. Bihar, historically renowned for its significant influence in India and Asia, holds a prestigious legacy as the home of ancient empires like Magadha and renowned centers of learning such as Nalanda University. The state has been a beacon of education, attracting students from across the globe to pursue knowledge and research.

In the post-independence era, Bihar continues to make its mark, particularly in academic excellence, with its students consistently excelling in UPSC examinations. However, the state also grapples with various contemporary challenges, awaiting effective solutions.

In recognition of the need to address these issues and amplify the voices of Bihar’s populace, Bharat Express, a prominent media organization, arrives in Patna, the capital of Bihar, today. The occasion marks the commencement of the “Badhta Bihar Conclave,” scheduled from 3 pm to 8 pm, where a comprehensive discussion on Bihar’s pertinent issues will take place.

Bharat Express, known for its insightful coverage of national events, pledges to provide real-time updates throughout the conclave. Stay tuned with Bharat Express for the latest developments and discussions shaping Bihar’s future.