Assamese actress Sumi Borah and her husband, Tarkik Borah, have been remanded to five days of police custody as part of the investigation into a massive Rs 2,200 crore online trading scam. The couple surrendered to the authorities on Thursday morning, and officials are conducting extensive interrogations to uncover further details about the fraud.
Tarkik Borah, a photographer, and his brother, Amlan Borah, who was also arrested in Bihar’s Muzaffarnagar district, have been placed in police custody. Amlan Borah will remain in custody for three days, as ordered by the court.
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Sumi Borah, who was held by the Dibrugarh police, has been linked to Bishal Phukan, the alleged mastermind of the scam. Both Phukan and Borah are residents of Dibrugarh. Phukan, who was arrested last week, reportedly exploited Borah’s connections in the Assamese film industry to attract clients by promising high returns on their investments.
Police allege that Phukan organized lavish parties in Guwahati, where he used expensive gifts and luxury settings to lure attendees. Sumi Borah allegedly assisted Phukan in recruiting clients and was reportedly rewarded with commissions. These clients invested significant sums of money in online trading schemes, only to be defrauded.
Investigators are planning to interrogate both Phukan and Borah together to gain more insights into the scam and identify additional individuals involved. They anticipate that Borah’s testimony could reveal further connections to the fraud.
Prior to her surrender, Sumi Borah released a video on social media, claiming that she had become a victim of a smear campaign and that malicious propaganda was being spread against her.
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