In a significant development on Wednesday, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) witnessed an influx of hundreds of individuals from the Dalit community, led by prominent figures such as former state president of Bhim Army and state secretary of INTUC, Virendra Paswan. The event, held at the Bharatiya Janata Party state office auditorium, marked a pivotal moment as attendees were formally inducted into the party fold by donning party belts and garlands, alongside acquiring online membership.
Addressing the gathering, Leader of Opposition Amar Bauri emphasized the Modi government’s commitment to realizing the vision of Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar. Bauri hailed the BJP as the foremost advocate for the Dalit community, citing the government’s actions over the past decade as evidence. He also criticized the incumbent state government, labeling it as anti-Dalit, anti-backward, anti-youth, and anti-women, rallying support for the BJP in the upcoming general election.
State General Secretary and Rajya Sabha MP Aditya Sahu echoed similar sentiments, attributing the surge in party memberships to the influence of Modi government’s policies. Sahu hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a universally accepted leader and underscored the nation’s trust in him.
Also read: CM Yogi Adityanath Resolves Dispute, Stresses Nationalism in Muzaffarnagar Address
Former Bhim Army state president, Virendra Paswan, articulated his admiration for the Modi government’s initiatives aimed at uplifting Dalits, which motivated him and many others to join the BJP.
The ceremony, expertly conducted by Shivpujan Pathak, concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Kamlesh Ram.
Among the attendees were notable individuals such as Poonam Devi, Pratima Devi, Shobha Devi, Babita Devi, Krishna Kumar Bauri, Dheeraj Kumar, Mo Shakeel, Suresh Paswan, Guddu Gupta, Rocky Kumar, Vishal Kumar, Mithlesh Kumar, and many more.
This gathering underscores the growing support for the BJP among the Dalit community, highlighting their confidence in the party’s leadership and commitment to their welfare.
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