Bharat Express

Agra Launches Massive Tree Plantation Drive To Enhance Green Cover

Agra to plant a staggering 54,56,000 trees on Saturday as part of the Ped Lagao Ped Bachao and Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam initiatives.

Agra Launches Massive Tree Plantation Drive To Enhance Green Cover

In a significant bid to boost the city’s green cover, Agra to plant a staggering 54,56,000 trees on Saturday as part of the Ped Lagao Ped Bachao and Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam initiatives. This massive drive aims to plant 36.5 crore trees across Uttar Pradesh, with Agra contributing substantially to this goal.

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According to District Magistrate Bhanu Chandra Goswami, the Forest Department will plant 15,26,669 trees, while other departments will plant 39 lakh trees. The event will take place at UPSIDC, Site-C Sikandra, Agra, in the presence of dignitaries, including the District Tree Plantation Minister in-charge, MPs, MLAs, and public representatives.

Various tree species, including Hari Shankari, Jamun, Arjun, Semal, Mango, Banyan, and Peepal, plants during the drive. The Minister in charge emphasized the importance of public participation and a strategic plan for plant care to ensure the trees’ growth and benefits for the community.

This initiative aims to enhance Agra’s green cover, promote environmental sustainability, and contribute to a healthier ecosystem.