At Delhi’s Najafgarh station on Monday, a 31-year-old librarian was found dead after allegedly jumping in front of a moving metro train, according to the police. The victim is identified as Manish Kumar, a citizen of Prem Nagar in Najafgarh
Manish died on-the-spot
The victim passed away immediately, according to the authorities. At 9.26 am, the police were informed that someone had leaped in front of a train at Najafgarh.
In Devprayag, Uttrakhand, the victim worked as a librarian.
CCTV footages under examination
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The CCTV footage has also been examined by the police. The family members of the victim arrived at the scene as well. In Devprayag, Uttrakhand, Kumar worked as a librarian. A senior officer reported that he was married and had one daughter. The police continued, “Further investigation is underway.”
Inquest proceedings under Section 174 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), which requires police to investigate and report on suicide, are being conducted. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation said that within 15 to 20 minutes, service levels returned to normal.
Officials from the nearby Sector 49 police station hurried to the scene after the incident was reported in the morning, the official said.
Due to the event, there was a “brief delay” in metro services, which affected other trains on the corridor, add The train was halted at the following station, Noida Sector 16, according to a passenger who asked to remain anonymous. “I boarded the train at around 1:50 pm from Noida Sector 18 station for Rajiv Chowk station, but it got stuck there,” the passenger claimed.