Bollywood cupid couple Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra’s wedding rumours have been on the hot B-News list for quite a long time now. Reportedly the love duo is all set to enter the forever bond called marriage very soon. According to reports, the wedding will take place in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan date it is expected on February 6. Even though both Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani try to keep it as low as possible, it is fairly obvious that the couple has already kickstarted the final round of preparations for their big day.
On January 29, Sidharth took to his Instagram handle and pen-down “Something bold and exciting coming up tomorrow!.” After he shared the post, fans poured down their curiosity in the comment sections asking about his marriage with Kiara Advani. But to their disappointment, Sidharth announced his collaboration with a watch brand. “Here’s to new beginnings!” he wrote on social media.
Also Read – The Angel’s Home: Priyanka and Nick’s Daughter Finally Makes A Public Appearance
In the middle of all chaos and curiosity, Kiara Advani was spotted at the residence of top-class designer Manish Malhotra on Tuesday night i.e January 31, 2023, as she reportedly arrived for a last-minute trial for her wedding lehenga. As for the dress code she was wearing when she come to Manish Malhotra’s residence the details are as follows. The actress was wearing a printed oversized grey sweatshirt, which she paired with black track pants. She completer her look with a no make-up look and a free hairdo. As per the reports, both Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani have opted for custom-made Manish Malhotra designs for their big day.
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