Shraddha Kapoor, who turned 37 today, celebrated her birthday with the paparazzi in Mumbai on Sunday. The actress, clad in a white top and blazer, was all smiles as she indulged in some birthday fun. She cut a cake with the paparazzi and savored some delicious vada pav and jalebi, looking radiant throughout the festivities. Shraddha Kapoor, known for her recent role in “Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar” alongside Ranbir Kapoor, will soon be seen in “Stree 2” alongside Rajkummar Rao.
Earlier, Shraddha Kapoor shared a lively video showcasing her love for food and playful moments with her furry friends. In the video, she jokingly mentioned, “Agar aap logon ne is reel pe comment kiya toh kal se main bhi gym shuru kar doongi [If you guys comment on this reel, I will start going to the gym from tomorrow].” Fans quickly flooded the comments section, with one user humorously noting, “Sab apne post pe Shraddha ka comment chahate the aab shraddha ne sabko khud ke post pe comment karawane ke kaam pe laga diya. [Everyone wants Shraddha Kapoor to comment on their post. The actress assigned this duty to all].”
Prior to this, Shraddha Kapoor sparked speculation about her marital status with a charming post, where she shared a series of stunning pictures dressed in a blush-pink Anarkali suit. Alongside the photos, she pondered, “Acchi lag rahi hun, Shaadi kar lun??? [I am looking good. Shall I get married?]”
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