At a ceremony on Wednesday evening at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in Delhi, actor Raveena Tandon was presented with the Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian honor. Rasha, the 18-year-old daughter of Raveena Tandon and Anil Thadani, posted a touching message to her mother a few days later. However Rasha’s post for her mother will make you emotional.
In her note, Rasha wrote, “She posted pictures of herself and her mother.” The Padma Shree grant, one of the most lofty honours of the Republic of India, What a year this has been for you! You keep asserting that it is the work of Nana, that he is assisting you in achieving your goals, and I have no doubt about that; however, it is also the result of your own efforts. You merit all the achievement, love, and regard you’re getting.
I was unable to be a prouder girl, watching you and your work get regarded before the most regarded individuals of our local area. This is a triumph for you, Mom. Ranbir and I are inspired to work harder and be our best selves by your modesty, grace, and kindness. The sky is your limit; I can hardly hold back to see what you do straightaway.”
In the comments section of Rasha’s post, Raveena Tandon provided the following response to her daughter’s note: “I appreciate it, baby! You filled my heart with joy! Nothing was more satisfying than gazing with pride at your faces, Ranbir and Papa, as I returned to my seat. Nothing beats seeing the happiness and receiving congratulations from all of my friends, family, and well-wishers. It adds value to this moment.”
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Recently, Raveena Tandon shared pictures from the Padma Shri Day service, and she composed: “Padma Shri Day is a day of love and celebration.
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