Today is Neetu Kapoor’s birthday, and to make the occasion even more memorable, her son Ranbir Kapoor travelled to Italy to surprise her. Ranbir was seen at the Mumbai Airport the day before her birthday asking the photographers not to publish the photos on the same day since it would ruin the surprise. To surprise Neetu Kapoor, it appears that he arrived in Italy on schedule. Earlier today, Neetu Kapoor shared a beautiful photo of herself and Ranbir celebrating the Jugjugg Jeeyo star’s birthday in Italy with her daughter Riddhima Kapoor, son-in-law Bharat Sahni, and granddaughter Samara Sahni. We’ve recently discovered yet another video from the birthday party!
A family dinner in Italy is shown in a video posted on Instagram by Bharat Sahni that features Neetu Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, Riddhima, Samara, and other celebrities. In the video, Neetu Kapoor is seen having a cake with three candles set in front of her, while Ranbir can be seen sitting next to her. Before slicing the birthday cake, Neetu Kapoor makes a wish. While his mother is happily cutting the birthday cake and smiling for the camera, Ranbir can be seen taking shots of her. After then, the stunning view from the restaurant is briefly shown in the video. Samara Sahni is also depicted seeing her grandmother Neetu Kapoor cut the cake while sat on the opposite side. View the video below!
Meanwhile, Neetu Kapoor uploaded a photo of her birthday celebration and captioned it, “Beautiful cherished day missed @aliaabhatt #raha (my loves) @riddhimakapoorsahniofficial @samarasahnii.” Soni Razdan remarked, “Happy Birthday have a wonderful day! “, while Alia Bhatt added, “Love youuuuuuuuu!” many, many loves.
For her mother-in-law Neetu Kapoor, Alia Bhatt also wrote a beautiful greeting. Happy birthday, queen! Alia wished Neetu Kapoor on her Instagram story as she shared a picture of the actress. Everything is fantastic thanks to you! coupled with a yellow heart emoji, she said, “love you of so much!”
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