On September 24, Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha are scheduled to wed. On Friday, close friends and family members gathered for the mehendi ceremony, which marked the start of the wedding celebrations. Pawan Sachdeva has been delighting his Instagram followers with clips from the wedding location in the lead-up to their nuptials. To put things in perspective, Pawan Sachdeva is Raghav Chadha’s relative and a fashion designer by trade. According to accounts, he created Raghav’s wedding attire. Pawan Sachdeva released videos on his Instagram page that offered us a look at the wedding site. Visitors can be seen seated inside a luxurious boat that transports visitors from one hotel to another in one reel.
Sahaj Chopra, Parineeti’s brother, is visible in another video. The camera captures the picturesque grandeur of the surroundings as he can be seen talking on the phone.
On Friday morning, Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha landed in Udaipur. Raghav Chadha matched Parineeti’s red dress while donning a black suit. An ardas ceremony in Delhi marked the beginning of the couple’s pre-wedding celebrations, which were followed by a Sufi night with only close friends and family present. In May, at Delhi’s Kapurthala House, Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha got engaged in front of friends and family.
Check out the images below:
Tomorrow will feature a sangeet with a 90s theme and a choora ceremony. On Sunday, Raghav Chadha will have a sehrabandi, after which the baraat will take a boat from the famous Lake Palace to the wedding location. By 6.30 p.m., the jaimala, pheras, and vidaai will be over, and a reception will follow.
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