Bharat Express


"Thankam" revolves around three friends Muthu (Menon), Kannan (Sreenivasan), and Bijoy (David), who are involved in the gold trade in Thrissur, the gold capital of India...

Rajesh Tailang, who worked with Pradhan in the Prime Video series “Mirzapur”, paid tribute to the actor in a Twitter post. “Shahnawaz bhai aakhiri salaam!!! You were an amazing person and a great actor.

Discussing the lack of strong roles for actors of her age, the Hindi film veteran, who started her career in cinema with Satyajit Ray's "The World of Apu" in 1959, cited the examples of Meryl Streep, Judi Dench, and Maggie Smith.

We couldn't be more thrilled to welcome him to the Warner Bros. family and look forward to an exciting collaboration with Night...

The couple captioned the frames, "Now and forever." Fans flooded the new set of pictures with best wishes and comments.

The couple registered their wedding in court on January 6, 2023

The actor can be heard saying to his fan, “Arre, arre (oh)!” after she asked him ”Ek kiss toh do.”

“It was just such a joy to be able to do this character because Mira is just a really sensitive, empathetic person who’s stuck in a place she can’t seem to get out of. And we’ve all been there.”

Rego happens to be the first and the only singer in India who has introduced this unique concept. He has paid tribute to Bappi Lahiri's legacy by covering some of his greatest hits..

The Shershaah couple marked Valentine's Day by sharing dreamy pictures from their wedding fiesta. Captioned it "Pyaar ka rang chadha hai (it's the colour of love)."