Telugu actor Jr. NTR was surrounded when he entered the NTR ghat to pay his respects. The Devara actor was spotted on Sunday morning travelling to the centennial of the Late Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao nicknamed NTR to offer prayers and pay his respects. While Tarak was welcomed at the ghat, social media users were not pleased with the actions of the fans there.
Jr. NTR was spotted travelling to the centenary with his team while wearing all white in a video that is currently going viral. Unfortunately, he was recognised by a sea of admirers who hurried to see the famous person. As a result, there was no room for Tarak to even walk as the gathering became larger. Despite the difficulty of getting through, Tarak remained composed while he waited for the mob to disperse and continued on.
Users on social media were irate after the mob. Many people criticised supporters for their actions in the video’s comments section. “People have absolutely no common sense. Why is that man bothering me so much, and what is the point of him coming? They will then sever their hands, my brother. I’m… Isn’t that at least common sense?” a user said. Another person commented, “Poor fellow, he is not able to bow correctly in spirit. A third user responded, “There is a limit for tolerance also man.”
Jr. NTR, the popular actor known for his role in the film RRR, has been keeping himself extremely occupied with his work lately. Recently celebrating his 40th birthday, he is currently engrossed in the filming of not just one, but two upcoming films. One of these projects, tentatively titled Devasa, features Jr. NTR alongside the talented actress Janhvi Kapoor. The film is currently in production, and fans are eagerly awaiting its release.
In addition to Devasa, Jr. NTR has sparked excitement among fans by dropping hints about a possible collaboration with Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan. Speculations have been circulating that the two actors will join forces for the highly anticipated sequel, War 2. While no official confirmation has been made yet, Jr. NTR’s mention of working with Hrithik Roshan has ignited curiosity and anticipation among movie enthusiasts.
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With his back-to-back film commitments and the buzz surrounding his potential collaboration with Hrithik Roshan, Jr. NTR’s career seems to be at an all-time high. Fans are eagerly looking forward to witnessing his performances in these upcoming projects, which are expected to offer a blend of entertainment, action, and excitement.
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