Aamir Khan, Bollywood’s Mr. Perfectionist, is taking a break from acting at the moment. The versatile actor decided to take a year and a half off from acting to concentrate on his personal life and relationships after making a cameo appearance in Kajol’s Salaam Venky. Mr. Perfect was last seen in the lead role of the Hollywood classic Forrest Gump, Laal Singh Chaddha, which came out in 2022. The ambitious project was unsuccessful at the box office, leaving the creators extremely disappointed. Recently, an old video of Oscar-winning Hollywood actress Michelle Yeoh expressing her desire to collaborate with Aamir surfaced online.
Michelle Yeoh expressing her desire to one day collaborate with Aamir Khan in the nine-year-old video is going viral on social media. The actress responded, “I have not worked with Aamir Khan, but we are both brand ambassadors for an NGO that is called Live to Love, which is about saving the environment,”. Michelle also added that I honestly love his work and that he isn’t simply an extraordinary entertainer, but rather a compassionate person. Additionally, I hope to collaborate with him soon.’ In addition, when asked if she had seen the popular movie Three Idiots, Michelle responded, “Of course, I don’t think there is anyone who hasn’t seen that.”
Despite the fact that Aamir is currently on a break from acting, he has received multiple films offers from some of the best filmmakers in all of the major Indian languages. According to a report, Prashanth Neel, the director of KGF, has approached Aamir Khan regarding his upcoming two-hero project, one of which will star Jr. NTR. With a forthcoming spy thriller, Aamir may also soon enter the YRF spy universe, according to reports.
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