Bollywood actress Esha Deol and her husband, Bharat Takhtani, have officially announced their decision to separate after 11 years of marriage. The couple, who tied the knot in a private ceremony at the ISKCON temple in Mumbai in 2012, confirmed their parting of ways in a joint statement released on Tuesday. Emphasizing their commitment to prioritizing the well-being of their children, Esha and Bharat expressed their mutual agreement to separate on amicable terms.
In their statement, as reported by the Delhi Times, Esha and Bharat said, “We have mutually and amicably decided to part ways. Through this transition in our lives, the best interests and welfare of our two children are and will be our top priority. We kindly request that our privacy be respected.” The couple shares two children, Radhya, born in 2017, and Miraya, born in 2019, whose welfare remains their primary concern amidst their separation.
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The news of Esha and Bharat’s separation follows speculation that arose after Bharat was notably absent from Hema Malini’s elaborate 75th birthday celebration in October 2023. Although the couple had maintained a low profile in recent times, Esha publicly acknowledged their 11th wedding anniversary last year, expressing gratitude and affection for Bharat in an Instagram post.
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