Red Chillies Entertainment, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and his wife Gauri Khan’s production house, recently fell prey to theft. An offence against unidentified people has been lodged by the Mumbai police for filching and leaking clips of Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming flick “Jawan” on X (previously known as Twitter), on Sunday.
The FIR was registered at the Santacruz police station in Mumbai on August 10. The police were informed about the incident by Pradeep Nimani, Chief Financial Officer of Red Chillies Entertainment. As per the FIR, the film has not yet hit the theatres. Moreover, people present at the film’s shooting location were prohibited from using their phones to abstain from the leak of the videos from the shooting. However, someone illicitly managed to steal the film’s videos and posted them on social media, thereby violating copyright.
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According to the official, a case has been filed under section 379 (theft) of the Indian Penal Code and the Information Technology Act.
Reportedly, the complainant suspects five Twitter handles through which the movie clips were shared. Additionally, legal notices have been sent to the identified X handles. The report further stated that the production house filed a commercial suit in the Delhi high court, subsequent to the offence.
Speaking of, Jawan is an action thriller film helmed by Atlee. The release date of the “new Chennai Express,” as described by Shah Rukh Khan, is slated to be released worldwide on September 7 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi and Deepika Padukone will also be seen portraying pivotal roles in the film.
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