Anupam Kher recalled his companion and entertainer producer Satish Kaushik on his 67th birthday in an Instagram post. Anupam Kher posted a montage video to his profile and wrote a long note in Hindi saying that he would “in a grand way” celebrate Satish’s birthday on Thursday. Referring to it as “Satish Kaushik Night”, the Kashmir Documents entertainer added that he, along with the late actor’s significant other Shashi Kaushik and little girl Vanshika Kaushik, will celebrate his life “with music, love, and giggling.”
Memories were screamed out loud in the montage video. It opens with Satish Kaushik sitting in a chair and beaming. In the following frame, Satish Kaushik is joined by Anil Kapoor and Anupam Kher, who are dressed in classy black suits. The loved ones of Anupam Kher and Satish Kaushik also posed for the camera for a happy family photo. Dulari Kher, Anupam Kher’s mother, is also depicted in the family photo. In various snaps, one of the photographs additionally got a look at Gulshan Grover presenting alongside the Bade Miyan Chote Miyan entertainers. Satish Kaushik can be seen posing with Anupam Kher’s autobiography, “Lessons Life Taught Me, Unknowingly,” in one of the pictures.
Anupam Kher also included a few video clips and a number of throwback photos in addition to the numerous photographs that captured their amusing banter. The late actor can be seen posing in one of them with Hollywood star Robert De Niro and his friends from the industry.
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Wishing the late actor through his delightful post, Anupam Kher stated, “My dear companion Satish Kaushik! Have a wonderful birthday! You would have turned 67 today, Baisakhi. Be that as it may, for a very long time of your life, I had the honour of praising your birthday. Therefore, I have decided that we will attempt to have a grand birthday celebration this evening! Shashi and Vanshika’s seats will be empty. My friend, come join us as we celebrate Satish Kaushik Night with laughter, love, and music! A blissful birthday, Satish.” The veteran entertainer finished the subtitle with the hashtag “dearest companion.”
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