In a significant development, Mumbai Crime Branch’s Special Investigation Team (SIT) has apprehended actor Sahil Khan in connection with the Mahadev betting app case. Khan, who had been evading authorities for nearly 40 hours, was detained in Chhattisgarh on Saturday after failed attempts to secure pre-arrest bail, as rejected by the Bombay High Court.
The actor’s attempts to evade authorities involved constantly changing his location, fleeing Mumbai to avoid legal scrutiny. Khan stands accused of operating a betting site and promoting illicit betting activities, with his involvement surfacing during the investigation of the Mahadev betting app case by Mumbai’s Matunga Police.
The saga unfolded in December 2023 when Mumbai’s cyber cell SIT issued summons to Khan and three others for questioning, which Khan failed to honor, prompting intensified efforts by law enforcement agencies to locate and apprehend him.
The alleged magnitude of the scam is estimated at around Rs 15,000 crore, as per the First Information Report (FIR) filed in the case. Notably, one of the main accused, Ravi Uppal, was detained in Dubai last year by local authorities based on a red corner notice issued by Interpol, following the Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) request.
Sahil Khan, renowned for his roles in films such as ‘Style’ and ‘Excuse Me’, has transitioned into the fitness industry in recent years. He works as a fitness expert and is the founder of Divine Nutrition, a company specializing in fitness supplements like whey protein, creatine, and muscle gainers.
Also Read: Gurucharan Singh, Actor from ‘Taarak Mehta…’ Reported Missing; Police Launch Kidnapping Case
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