The actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui has filed a claim for damages in the amount of Rs. 100 crore for alleged defamation and harassment against his brother Shamsuddin and his former wife, Anjana Pandey. On March 30, Justice Riyaz Chagla will take up the case.
The suit claims that Siddiqui appointed his younger brother as his manager in 2008 because Siddiqui was unemployed at the time. In addition, Shamsuddin was responsible for auditing, submitting tax returns, making GST payments, and other tasks.
The petition claims that Siddiqui gave Shamsuddi his credit cards, debit cards, ATM cards, signed check books, bank passwords, email address, and other personal information so that he could concentrate on his acting instead.
According to the petition, Shamsuddin began defrauding and cheating Siddiqui. The petition claims that Shamsuddin brought properties together but informed Siddiqui that they were being purchased in his name.
A flat on Yari Road, a semi-commercial property on Yari Road, a farmhouse in Shahpur, a farmhouse in Buldhana, and a property in Dubai were the properties purchased. In addition, approximately 14 automobiles, including BMWs, Range Rovers, Ducati, and others, are included in the list.
The petition also says that Shamsuddin began defrauding and cheating Siddiqui. In addition, Siddiqui has requested that the court order the two to disclose all information regarding the individuals they approached in order to spread false and incorrect information.
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While Siddiqui claims to have given his former wife Rs 2.5 crore to start a production company, it is alleged that the money was instead used for her own “pleasure and enjoyment.” Siddiqui also claims to have paid Rs 10 lakh per month for the education of his children.
Siddiqui also stated Shamsuddin and Pandey started threatening Siddiqui with “cheap videos” and comments on social media when he asked for his properties back. Shamsuddin also got his other brothers to do this, the petition says.
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