Bharat Express

Kanhaiya Lal Polytechnic Reunion In Greater Noida To Welcome Friends & Eminent Dignitaries

The Kanhaiya Lal Polytechnic College, Roorkee city, Uttrakhand, have been on a great ranking for the sector of technical education. Many great scholars have graduated from this prestigious institute who now are providing their services in many different sectors.

All those passed out students and the scholars are giving a great glory to the name of this prestigious institution. So, in order to bring warmth to all the memories of the good old days of the institute as well as the students and also to further promote the name and goodwill of the institution a Reunion of the passed out students has been planned.

Many students from India as well as abroad we will be coming down for the Reunion on this 12th November, 2022. The motto of this Reunion is meet and greet of the students and to take the blessings of the professors (GURU’s).

The Institute was first set-up in the year 1956 in the hands of Mr Kanhaiya Lal. In the field of Technical education this institute has produced many students and made them aware with complete knowledge for the betterment and the growth of a better India .

The Chief Guest for the event will be Mr J.D. Tyagi, who got his diploma in the year 1963 from the same institute. Except from that the event will be happening in the presence of many other professors and passed out students. Formally the event will start at 1030hrs followed by the lunch at 1200hrs  and then at 1400hrs the main event will take place.