At least 138.34 crore Aadhaar numbers have been generated so far. Additionally, 67 million Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) numbers have also been created. The Ministry of Electronics and IT shared these achievements in its year-end review on Tuesday. India’s Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) drives accessible and secure public services, transforming the digital economy.
Key Digital Achievements
Key achievements include 138.34 crore Aadhaar numbers being generated. The Unified Payments Interface (UPI) processed 15,547 crore transactions worth Rs 223 lakh crore from January to November this year. This showcases UPI’s transformative impact on financial transactions in India.
Paperless Governance With Digi Locker
In line with the government’s vision of paperless governance, Digi Locker has become a revolutionary platform. It facilitates the issuance and verification of documents. With over 37 crore registered users, Digi Locker has changed the way citizens access and authenticate their documents.
Streamlining Government Services With UMANG
Unified Mobile Application for New-Age Governance (UMANG) simplifies access to government services. With over 7.12 crore users, UMANG streamlines how citizens engage with government services. The app is available in 23 multilingual languages, including English and Hindi. As of now, UMANG offers about 2,077 services from 207 departments of the Central and state governments.
India As A Global Digital Leader
India’s digital infrastructure has evolved rapidly in recent years. This transformation has positioned the country as a global leader in digital adoption. The digital economy is expanding quickly, driven by innovations in Cloud Computing, AI, ML, and digital governance. India’s infrastructure continues to evolve to meet the growing demands of the public and private sectors.
State-Of-The-Art Data Centres
The National Informatics Centre (NIC) has established state-of-the-art National Data Centres (NDC) in Delhi, Pune, Bhubaneswar, and Hyderabad. These centres provide cloud services to government ministries, state governments, and public sector undertakings (PSUs). Storage capacity at these NDCs has expanded to approximately 100PB, including All Flash Enterprise Class Storage, Object Storage, and Unified Storage. Around 5,000 servers support various cloud workloads.
Expanding Infrastructure In Guwahati
Another NDC (Tier-III) of 200 racks, expandable to 400 racks, is being set up in Guwahati, Assam. This will further strengthen India’s digital infrastructure.
Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing (DIKSHA) is the world’s largest education platform. As of July 22, 2024, 556.37 crore learning sessions have been imparted using DIKSHA. The platform has achieved 17.95 crore course enrollments and 14.37 crore course completions.
Bringing E-Services To Rural India
The Common Service Centres (CSCs) initiative, managed by the MeitY, plays a vital role in bringing e-services to rural India. As of October 2024, over 5.84 lakh CSCs are operational across the country. This includes 4.63 lakh CSCs at the Gram Panchayat level. The initiative has delivered over 800 services, ranging from government schemes to education, telemedicine, and financial services.
Also Read: Year Ender: Huge Achievements Across Sports Signify India’s Rise As A Sporting Nation In 2024
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