Bharat Express


The India-UAE trade agreement went into effect in May of last year

On August 2, this year, the business began the Class II recall in the United States

The airline will provide all feasible assistance to passengers who have confirmed bookings

The Altyn Tor Gold project will be producing around 400 kg gold per annum

To ensure an adequate supply of power in the country, the ministry invoked Section 11 of the Electricity Act 2023

The collector asked the panel to investigate the matter and report back within a month

ENA (potable alcohol) for human consumption will be exempt from GST

This innovative initiative brings coaches and students together in a united digital eco-system and marks the world's inaugural launch of an e-center in the metaverse.

The irrigation department has confirmed the availability of 22 cusecs of water for the project

In this series, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) has announced the purchase of a 0.59% stake in Reliance Ventures Limited, amounting to an investment of INR 4,966.80 crores.