Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani, his wife Nita Ambani, and their daughter Isha Ambani graced the red carpet event at the unveiling of the Jio World Plaza, a lavish retail and entertainment complex that is set to redefine luxury shopping in India, on Tuesday evening in Mumbai’s Bandra-Kurla Complex (BKC). At the red carpet event were Ambani’s daughter-in-law Shloka Mehta and son Akash.
Rajkumar Rao, Deepika Padukone, and Alia Bhatt were among the Bollywood stars who graced the Jio World Plaza red carpet, adding to the evening’s sparkle and splendor.
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Nita Ambani, the founder and chairperson of the Reliance Foundation, expressed her enthusiasm for the project to the assembled reporters. “Jio World Plaza has the potential to surpass all other malls in India and, in my opinion, the entire globe. Indeed, we are eagerly anticipating it,” she remarked. “Today is a tribute to all Indian designers as well as to our artists and craftspeople.”
Mukesh Ambani, the CEO of Reliance Industries, expressed his joy in their daughter Isha Ambani throughout the event, which took on an especially poignant tone. “As parents, Nita and I are having a really wonderful evening. Now is the moment for us to recognize and honor Isha’s efforts as one of Reliance Retail’s leaders,” he remarked.
“I believe she and her luxury retail team have redefined what luxury means in Mumbai.” We are quite proud of what the Reliance Retail team under the leadership of Isha has done with Jio World Plaza. He continued, “I’m sure it will make Indians and Mumbai residents very proud.
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Isha Ambani has played a pivotal role in driving Reliance Retail’s premium retail segment.
The Plaza connects to the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre, the Jio World Convention Centre, and the Jio World Garden, making it a one-stop shop for guests. With four storeys and a vast 7,50,000 square foot space, JWP is intended as an exclusive center for dining, shopping, and entertainment.
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