Bharat Express

Vastu Tips: Follow These Vastu Tips In Your Daily Routine For A Prosperous And Harmonious Home

By following these Vastu tips, you can enhance the positive energy in your home and promote a happy and prosperous living environment.

Vastu Tips

According to Vastu Shastra, positive energy or positivity brings happiness and prosperity to a home. When family members live happily, the family environment becomes joyful, leading to overall well-being, financial abundance, and social respect.

Let’s explore 10 Vastu tips that can bring happiness and prosperity to your home:

1. As per Vastu, it is considered auspicious for the safe or the cupboard where money is kept to have its door facing the north. Also, avoid keeping brooms or dirty items near the cupboard.

2. To maintain positive energy throughout the house, mix salt in water and use it to mop the floors once a week. This practice helps eliminate negative energies, creating a joyful and harmonious environment. Make sure not to mop the floors with saltwater on Thursdays.

3. According to Vastu, placing a glass bottle filled with salt in the northeast (Ishan Kon) corner of the house brings happiness and prosperity. It opens the pathway for financial gains and eliminates financial troubles.

4. Never place a place of worship in the bedroom. It is also inauspicious to have a kitchen near the place of worship. Such arrangements can lead to conflicts and financial issues in the household.

5. After using the bathroom, always keep the doors closed. According to Vastu, leaving the doors open can attract negative energies into the house.

6. Leaky taps in the kitchen or bathroom are considered inauspicious. Such leaks can lead to financial losses.

7. Placing a Holy Basil (Tulsi) plant in the north or east direction of the house brings happiness, peace, and resolves family disputes.

8. Having a mirror reflecting your shadow while sleeping is considered inauspicious. This can create problems between spouses. If your bed in the bedroom is facing a mirror, cover it while sleeping.

9. If there is any broken glass or mirror in the house, dispose of it immediately, as it is believed to attract negativity.

10. Avoid having cactus or thorny plants in the house. Such plants are said to bring illnesses.

By following these Vastu tips, you can enhance the positive energy in your home and promote a happy and prosperous living environment.