Bharat Express

Prime Minister’s Respectful Gesture To Honor BJP’s Women Workers After Historic Bill Passage

As the women workers felicitated the Prime Minister on the dais, he graciously bowed with folded hands, acknowledging their role in this significant achievement.

Prime Minister's Respectful Gesture To Honor BJP's Women Workers After Historic Bill Passage

Prime Minister's Respectful Gesture To Honor BJP's Women Workers After Historic Bill Passage

Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined in celebrations at the BJP headquarters in Delhi today, as the nation marked a historic moment with the passage of the Women’s Quota Bill in Parliament. The Prime Minister’s gesture of bowing down before women workers, captured in a video, symbolized his respect and honor for the occasion.

As the women workers felicitated the Prime Minister on the dais, he graciously bowed with folded hands, acknowledging their role in this significant achievement. Notably, PM Modi also stopped a woman from touching his feet, a sign of humility and equality.

The atmosphere at the headquarters was filled with jubilation as women workers danced and played with colors, reflecting the joyous spirit of the moment.

In his address, Prime Minister Modi extended his congratulations to all the women of the country, emphasizing the historic nature of the event. He stated, “Yesterday and the day before, we witnessed the making of a new history. It is our fortune that crores of people gave us the opportunity to create that history.”

The Prime Minister recognized that certain decisions have the power to change a nation’s destiny, highlighting the transformative potential of the Women’s Quota Bill.

Sharing his thoughts on Twitter, PM Modi expressed his pleasure at meeting dynamic women MPs who were elated at the passage of the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam. He underlined that this legislation, which reserves seats for women in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies, is a crucial step towards a brighter and more inclusive future for India, with women’s empowerment at its core.

PM Modi also reflected on the long journey to achieve women’s reservation in legislatures, mentioning that it had been discussed for nearly three decades, but previous efforts had lacked commitment and sometimes even disrespected women.

The Women’s Quota Bill recently cleared the Rajya Sabha, marking a historic milestone after almost three decades of obstacles. When implemented, it will substantially increase the representation of women in the Lok Sabha, raising the number of women members from the current 82 to 181. Additionally, it will reserve 33 percent of seats for women in state assemblies, fostering greater gender equality in the political landscape of India.