Bharat Express

Vastu Tips: Put These Things Today In Your Car To Prevent Any Unexpected Accidents!

If there is a Vastu issue with your car, you can solve it by following certain Vastu Tips-recommended solutions, which will also remove any negative energy.

Today we shall discuss a few topics pertaining to your car. How can you make your car lucky for you? How can you stay optimistic when driving your car or any other vehicle? If there is a Vastu issue with your car, you can solve it by following certain Vastu tips, which will also remove any negative energy.

Avoid storing these items in the car

According to architects, it’s important to remember not to keep broken or damaged items in the car in order to prevent mishaps or unlucky situations. Maintain periodic car cleanings. Window, carpet, and seat should always be kept spotless in the car. These problems interrupt the person’s mind, which makes it challenging for them to make the right decision.

Avoid Doing this

In the car, relaxing music should be played. This maintains a good atmosphere. Driving should not be done while listening to loud music. The focus of the person is diverted by this. A water bottle need to constantly be stored in the car, according to Vastu. It helps to fortify the mind and makes it possible for someone to make wise decisions.

Do This Remedy

Put some rock salt on a newspaper and place it under the seat of your car at night. The next morning, throw the salt into the drain. This lessens the amount of negative energy in the car.

In addition, keep a little box inside the car with some sand and stones in it. By doing this, the five components’ equilibrium will be preserved and you’ll be protected from any unfortunate incident that might occur at any time.

Additionally, you can install a Shriyantra, a Maruti Yantra, or any other hanging Feng Shui item in your vehicle.

Vastu tips related to parking

The south-east or north-west direction should be picked if you want to build a garage within your home for your car. Although both of these directions are good, the best one is the North-West, or North-West angle. It should be highlighted that the weight should be distributed more evenly across the north and east sides of the garage. Therefore, keep in mind that any car parked there should have its face pointed either north or east.