Bharat Express

US Supreme Court Imposes Ban On ‘Race And Ethnicity’ Based Admissions In Universities

Ban has been imposed on the usage of race and ethnicity to get admission in US universities by the US apex court on Thursday.

US Supreme Court

Representative image

Race and Ethnicity will no longer help people to get admission to Universities in the United States. As a ban has been imposed on the usage of race and ethnicity to get admission in US universities. The same was imposed by the US Supreme Court on Thursday, after which they are facing a serious lash from people. Actually, this reservation African – Americans to get their way into the universities. This opened the door for them to go ahead and grab various opportunities.

“Students must not be treated on the basis of race,” said US Supreme Court

“The student must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual — not on the basis of race,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion.

While passing on this judgment, the court even said that a university is allowed to consider an individual applicant’s personal experience — whether, for example, they grew up experiencing racism — in weighing their application over applicants more academically qualified. But if the decision is just on the basis of color, it is highly racial and discriminatory. With this, they tried to give equal opportunities to all, basically ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’. “Our constitutional history does not tolerate that choice,” said Chief Justice.

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Different arguments from different groups

An activist group, Students for Fair Admissions actually filed a case on private and public institutions of higher education in the country — elite Harvard University and the University of North Carolina (UNC) — over their admissions policies. And this ruling from the US Supreme Court has come on their side of the court. The activist group fought for equal rights of all the students of the society. They meant to deliver that race-conscious policies draw dividing lines between different students of the nation. Some equal or better-qualified students might face rejection just because they belong to a different race.

Conservatives who have maintained that affirmative action is fundamentally unfair celebrated Thursday’s decision as a victory. Others claim that the strategy is no longer necessary because Blacks and other minorities now have significantly better educational chances.