Bharat Express

Instagram Top Privacy Settings To Secure Account In 2023

Instagram Top Privacy Settings that should be known to every user to protect any kind of data breach.

Instagram Top Privacy Settings

Instagram Top Privacy Settings

Instagram has around 1.21 billion users in the world , the app is loved by all, today most of the people prefer using Insta over any other App. This social media app allows to share our small world with billion users around the world. Users regularly post happy and most memorable moments, therefore it becomes really mandatory to protect privacy. Today, We will be revealing top Insta settings that every user should know!

Private account

The most important setting to protect privacy is make your account private. By default insta accounts are public, hence anyone can view your pictures and videos. In private account only your followers can view your photos. For this, tap on three dots in right then go to the settings section and turn on the private account option.

Activity Status

Most of the people want their activity status to be off so that no one knows when they are online, if the activity indicator is off the green dot disappears. To turn it off first go to the three dots then click settings and scroll down where activity status option will appear. Click on the option and turn off the activity indicator.

Hide Story

Story hiding feature is very common in WhatsApp but in insta moslty users are unaware of the fact that this app also allows us to hide stories. To avail this setting, go to settings an click on story controls. Then select the follower from whom you want the story to be hidden.

Stop unwanted people from messaging

To stop unwanted people form replying to your stories, go to settings, tap on story control where you will see three options everyone, people you follow and off. Choose whichever option you find suitable.