More than 1.7 crore devotees took a sacred dip in the icy waters of the Sangam as Maha Kumbh 2025 began on Monday. The ritual bath on Paush Purnima transformed the confluence of Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati in Prayagraj into a hub of spirituality and culture.
Devotees chanted prayers and meditated, creating a spiritual atmosphere. Helicopters showered rose petals on the pilgrims. Many continued toward the Triveni Sangam for their holy bath even after sunset.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi called Maha Kumbh a symbol of India’s spiritual heritage. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath described it as a celebration of unity in diversity.
The ceremonial bath, which launched the 45-day event, began at dawn and lasted until dusk. Foggy weather and a temperature of 10°C did not deter the faithful. Pilgrims walked in endless queues to the 10,000-acre mela area.
The rare alignment of Paush Purnima and Makar Sankranti drew record crowds. Over 85 lakh devotees had already bathed in the holy waters before Monday. Security personnel, 50,000 strong, ensured safety at 41 ghats across 12 km.
ADG Bhanu Bhaskar confirmed the peaceful completion of the first snan. Pilgrims from across India joined the gathering, unshaken by the cold. Visitors from Europe, America, and Asia added diversity to the event.
Maha Kumbh Reflects Faith And Unity
At the riverbanks, scenes of faith unfolded. Couples prayed together, ascetics meditated, and devotees offered water to the sun. Kalpvasis began their 30-day retreat with vows of spiritual discipline and prayers for humanity’s welfare.
This Maha Kumbh coincides with a celestial event that happens once every 144 years. The Amrit Snan of akharas on Makar Sankranti is expected to draw even larger crowds.
Maha Kumbh 2025 continues to showcase India’s spiritual and cultural heritage on a grand scale.
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